PLN helps one unit of toilet car for the Jayapura City Government

PLN through the PLN Peduli program distributes one toilet car unit to the Jayapura City Government Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Forum to support the fulfillment of sanitation needs for public facilities in the local area.

This Rp400 million aid was handed over by the General Manager of PLN's Papua and West Papua Regional Main Unit, Moch Andy Achaminoerdin, to the Chairman of the CSR Forum, Rustan Saru, which will then be managed by the Jayapura City Government.

The chairman of the CSR Forum for the Jayapura City Government, Rustan Saru, in a press release in Jayapura, Tuesday, expressed his gratitude to PLN for the assistance.

"This assistance is a basic need that is really needed by the City of Jayapura," he said.

According to Rustan, so far when there are social activities outside and require a place to urinate or defecate, but there is no place, so this is one solution for the public interest.

Meanwhile, Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tomi Mano said this assistance is one of the good synergies between the Regional Government and BUMN, in this case PLN.

"In building this city, not only assistance from the central and provincial governments, not also from the APBD, but also third parties through its CSR program, and today (5/4) PLN handed over one unit of public toilet car to the city government for various activities. ceremonies and other activities," he said.

In line with the Mayor of Jayapura, General Manager of PLN Main Unit for Papua and West Papua, Moch. Andy Adchaminoerdin said that this CSR program is a form of PLN's commitment to assist local governments.

"The synergy between PLN and the Jayapura City Government is very good and supports each other, according to the plan, PLN helps toilet car facilities for outdoor activities," he said.

He added that hopefully this toilet car can be used by the community properly during the implementation of the activity and can work together between the manager and the community regarding cleanliness and its use.


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