IKBP: The expansion of new autonomous regions is the key to solving problems in Papua
Chairman of the Association of Papuan Families (IKBP) Ayub Faidiban said the expansion of new autonomous regions (DOB) would be the key to overcoming various problems that exist in Papua.
"Why do we support it, because we ourselves are Papuan children and see the problems that exist in Papua, how so that Papua can also progress, the same as other regions," Ayub Faidiban said in his statement, Wednesday.
According to him, the expansion can make Earth of Cenderawasih progress. Therefore, IKBP fully supports the central government in accelerating the realization of the formation of three new provinces in Papua.
The division, said Ayub, became important because the two existing provinces were unable to solve the problems in Papua. He even assessed that the addition of three new provinces was actually still not enough.
He hopes that Southwest Papua and Saereri Bay will soon become new provinces.
"So that the development that will be in Papua is built to the maximum as the central and western regions. So that Papua can progress, Papua is prosperous, and Papuans can enjoy it," said Ayub.
He also invited all elements of society to no longer debate the formation of this new province in Papua.
IKBP, he continued, is perpendicular to the central government so that the expansion of this new autonomous region can be immediately enjoyed by the community.
"If there are other things that we think are still lacking, we shouldn't hinder the expansion area, but we will convey it in an elegant way to the government so that there is a solution to solve the problem," he hoped.
"For that I invite us, let us all unite to support the government in order to accelerate the new autonomous regions," said Ayub.
SOURCE : https://megapolitan.antaranews.com/berita/199157/ikbp-pemekaran-region-autonomy-baru-jadi-key-atasi-perjualan-di-papua
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