Komnas HAM Papua Province Ensures KKB's Shooting Action in Nduga is a Crime of Humanity
The head of the Komnas HAM Representative for Papua Province, Frits Ramandey, emphasized that the terrorist shooting of civilians carried out by an armed criminal group in Nduga Regency last Saturday was a crime that had injured human values.
It is said, shootings against civilians have often been carried out by the KKB as an effort to fight for them, but these shootings actually target innocent people, not infrequently the victims are residents who carry out economic and development activities that help local communities. For this reason, strict law enforcement processes must be carried out, so that the KKB terror act does not again claim innocent lives.
“This is a crime against humanity, and it is being carried out repeatedly resulting in fatalities, especially civilians. Because this is a crime, the solution is to take a firm and measured legal approach,” said Frits Ramandey.
Frits Ramandey emphasized that the shootings carried out by the KKB would not solve the problem, nor would they gain sympathy from the community, because it would actually have a negative impact on local residents, who were afraid of both the KKB attack and the military and police security forces. .
"I do not use violent means to achieve certain goals, because this will not get sympathy from all human rights mechanisms, both national and international levels, even to the United Nations, because this is a real crime, so it will definitely be rejected and returned to law enforcement mechanisms in Indonesia,” said Ramandey.
According to Fritz Ramandey, his party deeply regrets the shooting by KKB which again targets innocent civilians, even though they are residents who have lived in the area for a long time, and have contributed to the development and economy of the local residents.
For this reason, Frits Ramandey hopes that the law enforcement process can be carried out immediately, so that there are no more casualties due to the KKB terror act in Papua.
SOURCE: https://rri.co.id/jayapura/polkam/1541343/komnas-ham-provinsi-papua-pastikan-aksi-penembakan-oleh-kkb-di-nduga-merupakan-kejahatan-kehumanan
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