Indonesia's Creative Young Papuans Will Hold Pre-KMAN in Jakarta Carrying the Theme of Papua Intimate Dinner

The VI Congress of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (KMAN VI) will be held in Jayapura Regency on October 24-30, 2022.

Currently, there are intensive preparations for socialization, and reporting to the public throughout Indonesia.
Project Officer Putri Nere told via her cell phone that Papua Muda Kreatif Indonesia carried the theme Papua Intimate Dinner and participated in promoting the activities of these indigenous peoples in Jakarta.
Welcoming the implementation of KMAN VI, continued Putri, Regent Mathius Awoitauw gave an opportunity to represent Papuan artists in Jakarta, making a musical drama pre-event.

The support from Team Nogei in the musical will tell the life of the Papuan people, especially the Jayapura Regency.

As for information to the general public regarding the conditions in Papua nationally so that people from all over Indonesia and 32 guest countries of KMAN VI will be able to see Papua as a land of peace, progress, and awakening.
The collaboration of dances, songs, and dramas will be packaged in an informative, light, and easy-to-capture manner and then closed with the Yosim Pancar Association Dance.

According to him, through this promotion there is a message to wake up Papua for Indonesia and Wake up Indonesia from Papua which will be put into the drama.

"The event lasts only one day, involving Creative Pace and Creative Kenambai because we certainly need video and photo materials," he said, Friday (15/7/2022).

Putri said that through the XX PON which was held and was successful some time ago in Papua Province, she also introduced Papua as a whole.

So that with the continuation of a national event like this, it is hoped that each area of expertise of the Papuan Youth can collaborate and synergize in the success of the 9th Anniversary of the Awakening of Indigenous Peoples and the 6th Festival of Lake Sentani.


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