Repair of SPBE in Bumi Cendrawasih

The Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) continues to encourage the implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) throughout Indonesia, including Papua Province. To accelerate the implementation of SPBE in Bumi Cendrawasih, the Ministry of PANRB is piloting the implementation of SPBE for district and city governments throughout Papua Province.

"The implementation of SPBE is a form of embodiment of a digital transformation where the government is required to be more effective, responsive, and adaptive in order to improve the quality of public services," said Papua Governor Lukas Enembe in a speech read by Expert Staff for Indigenous Community Development Paskalis Netep some time ago.

It was stated that the implementation of SPBE carried out by the Ministry of PANRB was an attempt to take a complete picture of how SPBE was implemented in the Papua region. Papua Province is one of the targets for piloting technical assistance, which is focused on the preparation of SPBE architecture and planning maps.

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This is done to ensure an increase in the value of the strategic planning indicators in the governance domain, as well as all aspects of management in order to increase the value of the SPBE management application domain. Therefore, Paskalis hopes that these activities can be followed properly which will ultimately have an impact on improving SPBE in all districts and cities in Papua Province.

On this occasion, the Young Policy Analyst at the Assistant Deputy for Policy Formulation and Coordination of SPBE Implementation at the PANRB Ministry, Sigit Supriyanto, revealed that based on the results of the SPBE monitoring and evaluation (tauval) in the Papua Provincial Government in 2021, the SPBE index was 1.80 (Enough).

"All aspects of the policy domain, the domain of ICT governance, and the implementation of SPBE management, need attention, be implemented and documented in a formal, comprehensive, and integrated manner," he said.

His party continues to encourage the implementation of SPBE in Papua Province, because based on records in the 2021 SPBE evaluation, only six local governments have participated, as many as five regions have not participated in the 2021 SPBE evaluation, and there are 19 regions that have never had an SPBE evaluation. Evaluation is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of PANRB No. 59/2020 concerning SPBE Monitoring and Evaluation.

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Furthermore, he said, the taufal activity aims to determine the progress of SPBE implementation at central and regional agencies. Then also as a means of improvement to improve the quality of SPBE implementation, and ensure the quality of SPBE evaluation implementation at central and local government agencies.

To improve SPBE requires commitment from the leadership and involvement of relevant work units in providing support in the evaluation process.


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