PLN is present, residents of Yarweser Hamlet in Raja Ampat Regency, Papua, now don't need fuel, turn on generators to enjoy electricity

PT PLN (Persero) seeks to provide electricity access to all parts of Indonesia, including the leading, outermost and underdeveloped (3T) areas. This was realized through the assistance of 30 micro units of solar power plants (PLTS) and energy storage called SuperSUN which were given to the people of Yarweser Hamlet, South Arefi Village, Raja Ampat Regency.

With this assistance, people can now enjoy electricity 24 hours a day. This assistance is part of the PLN Peduli Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program.

The presence of electricity provides great benefits to residents. This was stated by Jhonisius Arwakon, one of the recipients of SuperSUN.

After his house is electrified, now he can make ice cubes to store fish. Previously, people who mostly worked as fishermen had to travel to Sorong City as far as 60 km by sea for 2 hours just to buy ice cubes before they fished.

"When we heard the information (that there would be assistance) we started to feel happy there and when the relief items went down. In the past we needed 5 liters of fuel to turn on the electricity from 6 pm to 12 pm. The cost is quite large. reached Rp 20,000 / liter," he explained.

Jhonisius also explained that apart from being used for freezers, the community also uses electricity for various household activities, such as washing machines, water pumps, using wooden crab machines to studying for children.

"I thank PLN, not 99 percent anymore, but 100 percent because everything that makes the house black is no longer there, like our torches when we wake up in the morning we have a black nose," he said.

Similarly, Frans Pasarua, Head of Yarweser Hamlet, expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided. According to him, the presence of electricity helps residents' activities.

"I represent the people of this village, we have been here more or less since 2001, we as a community are grateful to God for being enlightened. Thank you very much because you have helped us this person. So this morning we are very happy because we have children. "Children study at night using only torches, but now we have lights and they can be lit for up to 24 hours," he explained.

The existence of this assistance also saves people's expenses. Previously, they had to pay Rp 100 thousand to turn on the generator for 6 hours. Currently, with a full 24 hours of power and an estimated usage of 1.5 kWh, they only need to spend around Rp. 2 thousand.

General Manager of PLN Main Unit for Papua and West Papua Region, Budiono, said that this assistance is one proof of PLN's efforts to realize equitable electricity for all communities.

"Electricity is very important, very important, very vital and very supportive of activities. Those who have one refrigerator can be added so that it can become cold storage. Fish will be more durable, sales will increase, so it is not impossible that the wheels of the economy can move for the better," he explained.

Budiono added that the presence of electricity is expected to improve people's welfare. He also advised the public to be able to take care of the aid that has been distributed so that it can be used optimally.

"Please, ladies and gentlemen, can take care of the assistance we provide, if there is a problem we are ready to help to fix it. We have also trained two villagers so that they can help you if there is a disturbance so that they can immediately deal with or communicate with our employees," Budiono said.

This effort is also a manifestation of the company's commitment to the principles of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in creating sustainable economic development.

Surya Power Solutions for the Country (SuperSUN) is an individual solar power plant installed with a prepaid kWh meter with a power of 900 VA. It consists of two main components, namely the PV Panel with a capacity of 440 Wp - 700 Wp and a battery with a capacity of 2 kWh. SuperSUN is an environmentally friendly solution to electrify communities in isolated areas. Initiated by PLN employees in Sorong, this breakthrough received the highest award in the ESDM sector in the form of Dharma Karya ESDM because it was considered to have provided great benefits to the electricity sector.

SOURCE: live-genset-for- enjoy-electric

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