Astra Group Papua Distributes Scholarships to Students in Enggros Village
Astra Group Affiliated Companies (Affco) Papua continues to make a positive impact on society. This time, Affco Papua is providing tuition assistance or what is commonly called a scholarship at Berseri Astra Village, Enggros Village, Jayapura City, Papua Province.
The chairman of Affco Papua, Lintang Bima Sakti said, Astra Group Papua is trying to help improve education in Papua.
One of the efforts made was to provide scholarships to students in the amount of Rp. 21,750,000 which was channeled to help students' education in Enggros Village.
"After all, education is important. These students will later continue to take care of this nation. We hope that this scholarship can be put to good use," said Lintang, Friday (16/12/2022).
Through good education, the quality of Human Resources will increase and get better too. That way the existing human resources can also contribute to building this country.
"We always believe that students in Papua have superior quality human resources. Therefore, we are trying to help support, further improve that quality," said Lintang.
Lintang said, Astra continues to make efforts to have a positive impact on the people of the Land of Papua.
"We continue to try to have a good impact on society through our programs," said Lintang.
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