Papuan Figures Refuse OPM Anniversary Commemoration

Papuan leaders reject the commemoration of the OPM (Free Papua Organization) birthday on December 1, 2022. They do not want to celebrate it because this organization is clearly rebellious and prohibited. They also appealed to Papuans, especially students, not to commemorate OPM's birthday, because that would be tantamount to being a traitor to the nation.

OPM is a rebel organization, which disagrees with the results of the Pepera (popular opinion determination) which states that the Papuan people join Indonesia. Even though the Pepera had taken place more than 30 years ago and the results were also deemed valid by international courts. OPM does not accept it and wants to become independent, even though Papua is a former Dutch colony and automatically enters Indonesian territory.

So far, the OPM and the KKB (Armed Criminal Group) have rebelled in a guerrilla manner and only went to the mountains when OPM's birthday was commemorated on December 1. OPM troops came down from the mountain to celebrate, while showing off their presence in society. Ahead of this date, security in all areas of Papua has been tightened so that there are no attacks by OPM, especially in vulnerable areas such as Jayapura and Manokwari.

dr. Sipora Nelci Moldouw, MM, Chair of the Women's Organization Cooperation Agency, stated that OPM supporters were dominated by groups that were not satisfied. They say December 1 is Independence Day. The independence they want is independence, which may only be wishful thinking. Mama Sip vociferously voiced her rejection of OPM's anniversary, because she was very nationalist and a daughter of a veteran. His father's name was Poreu Abner Ohee, a historical actor at the Youth Congress in 1928.

In a sense, since 1928 Papuans have wanted to join Indonesia, therefore they came to the Youth Congress which voiced the Youth Pledge. However, this fact is not recognized by the OPM. They reject history and do not believe in the presence of Jong Papua at the Youth Congress.

OPM continues to voice its opinion that Papua must be liberated from Indonesia and December 1 is their birthday, as well as the long-awaited independence day. So far, Papua has never been colonized by Indonesia. indeed before 1945, Papua (which used to be called West Irian) was colonized by the Dutch. However, since the proclamation, Indonesia has automatically become independent, including Papua.

How could OPM think that Papua was colonized by Indonesia? Even though the government has provided so many funds and facilities for the people of Cendrawasih Earth. For example the Youtefa Bridge, Trans Papua Road, Sentani International Airport and so on. This is what the Papuan people need to understand so that they are not provoked by the OPM which always incites them to become independent.

dr. Sipora, who is familiarly called "Mama Sip", added that young people who actively advocate for an independent Papua have been influenced by information that is deliberately twisted by certain interest groups. Both from abroad and in Papua itself.

The information in question is propaganda from OPM which states that the central government wants to take Papua's natural wealth. In fact, the truth is that investors come to Bumi Cendrawasih for mutually beneficial cooperation projects.

Therefore, young people should not be easily provoked by hoaxes and propaganda from OPM. Don't forget the history that OPM has killed many indigenous Papuans for decades. How can they call for independence, while the Papuan people are being ruthlessly killed?

Meanwhile, a Papuan religious figure, Pastor Alberth Yoku, stated that Papuan students who are currently studying should not be involved in demonstrations on December 1. Students are studying and building the future. Armed with knowledge then can work or pursue a political career.

Pastor Alberth continued, students should study diligently, because the village is waiting for them. Reach knowledge well and make this a positive motivation. Don't even get involved in actions (such as pro OPM demonstrations).

In that sense, students (who on average study outside Papua) are expected to focus on studies and study diligently. Don't go along with the pro-OPM demonstrations and shout 'free Papua'. Rallies are not an act to look cool and they risk being dispersed and even criminalized, because the demonstrations are not licensed.

The students did not study history and did not understand that OPM was a rebel group. They should understand the history of the founding of OPM and then stay away from it, because they have a nationalist attitude.

The students should have been very ashamed when they demonstrated pro-OPM and demanded Papuan independence, because on average they could study with the special autonomy scholarship provided by the government. But on the contrary, they actually opposed the government and pro-rebel groups. This is truly a disgraceful attitude.

Papuan leaders strongly oppose OPM's birthday commemoration on 1 December. They are anti-OPM because they understand that it is a rebel and banned group. The leaders also appealed to the people and students from Papua not to take part in actions to support OPM, because they would be tantamount to being traitors to the country.


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