The 2023 Regional Budget is Still Focused on Priority Programs

The Jayawijaya Regency Government (Pemkab) ensures that the implementation of the 2023 master APBD remains focused on priority programs according to the vision and mission of the Jayawijaya Regent and Deputy Regent.

Jayawijaya Regent, Jhon Richard Banua, SE, MSi stated that the 2023 APBD remains focused on basic services such as education and health which have been a commitment from the Jayawijaya Regency Government from the start.

"The work program included in the 2023 APBD is not much different from what was programmed in the 2022 APBD," he said Tuesday (27/12), yesterday after attending a session on the views of factions in the Jayawijaya DPRD.
The Regent also ensured that the preparation of the 2023 APBD had been adjusted to the rules issued by the Ministry of Finance for the use of the General Allocation Fund (DAU), which had been presented for education and health, therefore, everything had been adjusted to that circular letter.
"We admit that this adjustment to the use of the DAU has made us late in presenting the 2023 APBD material to the DPRD, now it has been adjusted and has begun to be discussed by the Jayawijaya DPRD according to regulations from the center," he explained.

Ahead of the general election, according to the instructions from the central government, for the Jayawijaya Regency Government, prepare a budget for the implementation of the stages, be it the Legislative Election, Presidential Election, Pilgub as well as the election of the Jayawijaya Regent and Deputy Regent.

The Jayawijaya Regent added, in the implementation of this stage, what the KPU used the most was the APBN for the Pileg and Presidential Election stages, while the election of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Jayawijya, the government budgeted for the stages carried out by the KPU and Bawaslu.

"Later in 2024 we will again budget for the election of the Jayawijaya Regent and Deputy Regent, for the KPU and Bawaslu because these elections are in process and in stages according to the KPU's schedule," concluded the Banua Regent.

SOURCE : Fokus-untuk-program-prioritas/

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