"Pi Ajar Goes to Kampung Cendrawasih", Inspirational contribution from the Papua Police in the World of Education.

"Pi Ajar Goes to Kampung Cendrawasih", Inspirational contribution from the Papua Police in the World of Education.

It is an honor for me when he was invited by the kaka-kaka from the Nmas Binmas Police Task Force to get involved in Pi Ajar (Police Teaching Children) Police activities which are a form of concern for the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) towards education. I am with Pak Lalu Hiskam Anady, Mr. Nixon Mehue from the Water Police, there are 3 beautiful Policewomen's Kaka, Mrs. Syerly, Ms. Ayu and Amel and kaka from Freeport Indonesia, Mrs. Citra Kaliky Harun and a colleague.
Taking a boat, the eight of us walked along the Pomako Port area to Cendrawasih Village, East Mimika District, Mimika Regency. When he arrived there, there were enthusiastic residents there, especially children. On the instructions of local residents, we headed to the residents' yard to carry out activities. With a tarpaulin spread, we sat with the children around.
As the opening ceremony, we invited the children to sing a number of songs such as national songs, Sunday school children's songs, and other common children's songs. Then Mr. Lalu invites the children to be able to distinguish between right hand and left hand and count the number of fingers. After that, we divided ourselves to accompany the children to do coloring books with pictures of transportation equipment and animals.
Because the weather was less friendly at that time, we moved locations to the house of one of the residents. Kaka-kaka The police gave questions to the children about the Head of RT, village head and Regent of Mimika Regency. After that the Indonesian national flag was introduced, the red and white flag. With the accompaniment of a guitar from Mr. Nixon, we together with the children sang together again including one-on-one songs I love mom, I am a healthy child my body is strong, Sunday school children are listening to and much more. Then the activity continued to the installation of mini plane frame toys that were distributed to each child. The children seemed excited to get a new toy. Some tried to blow it away and some blew the blades. Our program closed by distributing nutritious biscuits to the children.
Pi Ajar (Police Teaching Children) Teaching Police activities really deserve a thumbs up. This activity is always sincere in providing assistance, instilling the love of the motherland from an early age to children in Papua. This activity is carried out throughout Papua such as Mimika, Wamena, Puncak Jaya, Nduga and many more. With this activity, it is certainly very useful for the younger generation of Papuans who can later free Papua from the gap, backwardness and social disparity.
I thank the Police kaka-kaka for inviting me to this noble and inspiring activity. Sharing knowledge and inspiration with Papuan children with the police kaka-kaka is very fun. Seeing them laughing, learning enthusiasm, cheerful singing and enthusiastic listening to what was said brought our own happiness.
Continue to spread the knowledge of the Kaka-Kaka Noken Binmas Polri Task Force, especially Mr. Lalu Hiskam, Mr. Nixon, Ms. Syerly, Ms. Ayu, and Amel. May God always protect and accompany the struggle of the Father / Mother of the Police in the midst of the conditions in Papua which sometimes have difficult terrain and the level of security is less conducive. Don't be bored and invite us to become volunteers!
Excerpted from the writings of Heriyanto Rantelino (nomads in Timika) for Kompasiana.

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