One of the main programs of the Working Cabinet Government is to facilitate and streamline the transportation of goods by sea or what is known as the Sea Highway program. The concept of the sea highway itself is in principle a routine and scheduled shipping from west to eastern Indonesia to strengthen shipping and logistics routes.

This was conveyed by the Director of Traffic and Sea Transportation Capt. Wisnu Handoko as the keynote speaker at the Sea Toll Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme “Continuing Connectivity, Opening Logistics Lines and Pressing Price Disparities at Hotel Garden Palace Surabaya, Thursday (17/1).

Since this program was launched in 2015, the implementation of the maritime highway program must continue to be optimized so that its impact can be felt directly by the community, namely being able to reduce logistics costs and reduce the disparity in the price of goods.

"From year to year, the implementation of sea freight transportation (sea highway) continues to be improved. This can be seen from the increasing number of routes, where in 2018 and 2019 there were 18 routes served by 19 vessels, "explained Wisnu.

Capt. Wisnu explained, out of a total of 18 routes in 2019, 5 (five) routes were operated by PT. Pelni, 2 (two) routes operated by PT. ASDP, and 4 (four) routes operated by Djakarta Lloyd through assignments. Meanwhile, 7 (seven) other routes are operated by private shipping companies through a public auction mechanism.

The sea toll ships will stop at 4 (four) base ports, 6 (six) transhipment ports and 66 transit ports.

"However, this year, the subsidy budget for sea highway transportation has decreased by around 50%, from the previous 2018 amounting to 447.6 billion rupiah to 222 billion rupiah in 2019," he said.

On this occasion Capt. Wisnu also explained the various obstacles faced in the operation of the sea highway so far.

"We are aware that there are still several obstacles in the implementation of the maritime highway program. Among other things, sea highway ship services have not fully reached the T3P (Front, Disadvantaged, Outermost and Border) areas, "said Capt. Wisnu.

In addition, there is still a lack of loading and unloading facilities at several transit ports and the inadequate use of Information Technology in the operational management of sea tolls.

For this reason, in the future the Government and related parties are committed to improving professional and transparent services for ships and goods through digitizing the port service system, "said Capt. Vishnu again.

Another important thing that must be done is by increasing the availability of facilities and equipment to support services and optimizing ports as locations for container transshipment, both domestic and international.

In addition to these constraints, according to Wisnu, the less than optimal return load is also one of the homework to find a solution for.

From the data on the realization of cargo departing in 2018, it was noted that it increased to 229,565 tons with a total of 239 voyages. Meanwhile, the realization of return cargo was recorded at 5,502 tons, so it must be continuously increased.

"To optimize the return load, we have made various efforts. One of them is by increasing the synergy between the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises and the Regional Government, through the "Rumah Kita" program or logistics centers, "added Wisnu.

He explained that this logistics center is collaborating with BUMD & BUMDES to disseminate the sea highway program to the public and traders at the port of call to fill back cargo.

"This marine highway program will not run well without the support and synergy of all relevant stakeholders, including from the local government and business entities in the local area to jointly succeed this marine toll program," said Capt. Vishnu.

For information, this FGD is an initial series of activities for the National Ocean Toll Road which was held in commemoration of the 2019 National Press Day (HPN) which falls on January 9, 2019. This seminar presents various stakeholders to sit together on how to make the toll program more effective and efficient. this sea so that it has a positive leveraging power on the traffic of goods flow in the archipelago.

Freight Costs by Sea Highway 50% More Efficient

Meanwhile, in general, the comparison of transportation costs using sea toll ships is much more efficient and can reduce transportation costs by up to 50% of the cost of transporting commercial vessels. This is due to a subsidy or Public Service Obligation (PSO) from the Government, in this case the Ministry of Transportation, for the transportation of goods at sea through the sea toll program.

"However, the Government realizes that there are still many people who equate commercial sea transportation with subsidized freight transportation or sea tolls. Even though there is a significant comparison of transportation costs between the two, "said Capt. Vishnu.

For example, a comparison of the cost of transporting goods at sea from Surabaya to Merauke. If using a commercial ship the costs incurred can reach 10-11 million rupiah, but if using a sea toll ship it is 6 million rupiah.

"Likewise with the transportation costs to other areas, such as from Surabaya to Manokwari if the private ship costs between 11-13 million rupiah, while with sea toll ships the cost is much cheaper, around 5.3 million rupiah," said Wisnu.

He also said that the high cost of logistics in Indonesia is not only caused by mining fees or freight costs, but there are several components of logistics costs that are still high at ports, such as costs for loading and unloading warehousing, handling and other additional costs such as collateral for containers or equipment. charges that cannot be standardized yet.

For this reason, the Government will continue to consolidate to find common solutions in reducing logistics costs at ports.

"The Ministry of Transportation together with Port Business Entities and associations continue to coordinate to find solutions in reducing unreasonable costs at ports to match the services provided," he added.


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