Olva Alhamid Spray Natalius Pigai

Papuan activist Olvah Alhamid was furious and very angry at Natalius Pigai's statement because it was considered racist.

Her anger was conveyed by Putri Indonesia Inteligensia 2015 through the Twitter account @olvaholvah, Friday night, October 1, 2021.

This international model questioned Natalius Pigai's attitude because it seemed racist.

"Later, if people are racist with Mr. @NataliusPigai2, you will not accept it. But can you be racist with other people? I am a fighter to stop racism & discrimination, and maybe we are both from Papua and Mr., maybe we are both planted in Papua, but this time, I don't support you," he tweeted.

This was conveyed by Olvah regarding Natalius Pigai's statement through the Twitter account @NataliusPigai2.

"Don't trust the people of Central Java, Jokowi & Ganjar. They robbed us of our wealth, they killed the people of Papua, trampled on the dignity of the Papuan people with lowly words, racism, monkeys and trash. We are not lowly. We fight injustice to the last drop of blood. Sy Against Injustice)," Natalius tweeted.

Related to this, Olvah also questioned whether Pigai had any grudge against Ganjar Pranowo.

"What's the matter, Father? @NataliusPigai2 here Mr. @ganjarpranowo is just enjoying the special food kitong, the kitong should be happy. Kitong is fighting so hard for people who know Papua well, now you are even the one who issued provocative sentences. Can you tell me why, Father?," he said again.

Meanwhile, he continued, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was trying to maintain security and order at the XX Papua PON.

"Mr President @jokowi is trying to maintain security & order for PON XX Papua & Pak @jokowi Pak @ganjarpranowo & everyone is enjoying the beauty of PON XX Papua, so what are you doing with this provocative sentence? @NataliusPigai2 if you don't help anything, it's enough not to cause trouble," he said.

"I used to always defend Mr. @NataliusPigai2 when there were people who insulted you / insulted you / racist & discriminated against you. But not anymore. I think you are smart. It's true, he's good at provocation. You don't think that all Papuan youths support you in this matter, because not everyone, including me, "he said.

SOURCE: https://indonesiatimur.id/2021/10/02/olva-alhamid-semprot-natalius-pigai/

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