Head of BPIP Provide Briefing to 1,496 Participants of Binlat Polda West Papua
Head of BPIP (Pancasila Ideology Development Agency) Prof. Drs. KH. Yudian Wahyudi, MA, Phd, gave briefing to 1,496 participants of the Youth Bintara Bintara Polda West Papua, Monday (24/1/2022) in the Arfak Manokwari hall.
The visit of the Head of BPIP accompanied by the Head of the West Papua Police, Inspector General of Police, Dr. Tornagogo Sihombing S.IK, M.Sc.
The West Papua Police Chief gave directions that this Binlat activity was an inculcation of nationalism insight, and was a pioneer in the formation of national insight.
On that occasion, the West Papuan Police Chief hoped that this young non-commissioned officer could be a pioneer in instilling the ancestral values of the homeland.
"This two-star general hopes that this Young NCO can have a national character, and be able to encourage the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation in the West Papua region," he added.
Head of BPIP KH.Yudian Wahyudi, while giving directions to the 1,946 participants of the West Papua Regional Police's Youth Bintara Binlat, congratulated you on your struggle.
As an independent nation, continued the Head of BPIP, the National Police Officers who are also the younger generation today, are the protectors of the community and future leaders.
"Pancasila is a legacy and a valuable work. This great work of the nation based on local wisdom must be passed down from generation to generation. Especially, to the millennial generation which includes the National Police Officer," he said.
This is the news release which was forwarded by Public Relations of the Sorong Police, Iptu Amiruddin, to a number of media crews in Sorong.
SOURCE: https://infopublik.id/categories/nusantara/600320/head-bpip-given-pembekalan-kepada-1-496-peserta-binlat-polda-papua-barat#
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