KKB Attacks Cartenz Peace Task Force in Kiwirok Papua, 1 Policeman Shot in Chest

Shooting contact with terrorist armed criminal group (KKB) again occurred in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains, Papua. One member of the Cartenz Peace Task Force from Brimob was shot by KKB in the chest.

"From the gunfight, one member of the Cartenz Peace Task Force on behalf of Bharada Resi Nugroho was shot in the left chest," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal to reporters, Saturday (22/1/2022).

Kamal explained that the shooting took place this morning. Initially, members of the Cartenz Peace Task Force for the Bintang Mountains Sector Pos Kiwirok were carrying out security preparations for the arrival of a Police helicopter that arrived from Sentani at around 07.30 WIT.
Furthermore, at 08.30 WIT, the KKB led by Lamek Taplo opened fire on members who were carrying out security. The Cartenz Peace Task Force also fired back, resulting in gunfire.

"Receiving the attack, members returned fire and a gun battle ensued," he said.

The shooting by the KKB resulted in a member of Brimob on behalf of Bharada Resi Nugroho suffering a gunshot wound to the chest. Bharada Resi immediately received medical treatment.

Kamal reveals Bharada Rishi is conscious. Bharada Resi was immediately evacuated to Bhayangkara Jayapura Hospital.
"One Brimob member suffered a gunshot wound to the chest, but his condition is stable and conscious," said Kamal.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bintang Mountains Police, AKBP Cahyo Sukarnito, said that the officers had been pursuing the perpetrators.

"Police of Damai Cartenz Polri has requested assistance from Infantry Battalion PR/431. Furthermore, 15 personnel led by Lt. Reza are preparing and moving to the Jaguar Police Post," said Cahyo.

SOURCE : https://news.detik.com/berita/d-5909587/kkb-serang-satgas-peace-cartenz-di-kiwirok-papua-1-polisi-tertembak-di-dada

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