Lenis Kogoya: The expansion of new autonomous regions is important for the welfare of the Papuan people
The issue of the expansion of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua will soon be approved by the central government.
Presidential Expert Staff, DR. Lenis Kogoya, S.Th. M. Hum, when met by reporters in Jayapura, Monday, January 17, 2022, said that the expansion of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) is very important to improve the welfare of the Papuan people.
“This division is very important so that each region can take care of itself. This is his big hope to improve the welfare of the Papuan people, that's the point," explained Lenis.
Lenis even said that the hope of the Papuan people for the division of Papua has been awaited for a long time, therefore, through the leadership of the president in the last period, hopefully it can become the most beautiful gift for the Papuan people, because the goal is clearly to prosper the indigenous Papuans.
“I think that's the best thing, so that Papuans are no longer left behind, poor and so on. This is the time for us to rise and move forward to a better future. Therefore, it is the hope of the indigenous peoples that in the near future there will be a decision. So that in Papua, they can manage themselves according to their own customary areas,” said Lenis Kogoya, who is also the chairman of the Papua Indigenous Peoples Institute (LMA).
He also advised the entire community to throw away the bad views that had been built up that Papua was still poor and others.
"I haven't even seen what studies are used to say that Papua is the first poorest area in Indonesia, I haven't seen that, but the facts on the ground to this day Papua has made extraordinary progress, both in the fields of education, health, infrastructure and improvement economy," he explained.
It is known that the Papua expansion option will be divided into six provinces, the first is Tabi-Saireri province, (9 districts/cities) including: Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Keerom, Sarmi, Mamberamo Raya, Waropen, Yapen Islands, Biak Numfor and Supiori.
Then West Papua (7 districts), Manokwari, Arfak Mountains, West Manokwari, Bintuni Bay, Wondama Bay, Fakfak and Kaimana.
South Papua Province (5 districts) consists of; Merauke, Asmat, Mappi, Boven Digoel, Bintang Mountains.
Central Papua Province, (6 districts), consists of; Paniai, Deiyai, Dogiyai, Intan Jaya, Mimika and Nabire,
Central Mountains Province, (9 districts), consists of: Jayawijaya, Yahukimo, Yalimo, Tolikara, Lanny Jaya, Central Mamberami, Nduga, Puncak Jaya and Puncak.
Southwest Papua Province (6 regencies) consists of: Raja Ampat, Sorong, South Sorong, Maybrat Tambrauw, Sorong City.
SOURCE: https://traspapua.com/2022/01/18/lenis-kogoya-pemekaran-dob-penting-untuk-mensejahterakan-dunia-papua/
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