TNI Members Died in Gunfight with KKB in Maybrat West Papua
The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Maybrat Regency, West Papua Province has again carried out attacks. A total of TNI members were shot in the incident this morning. One member was reported dead.
The shootout occurred on Thursday (20/1) at 07.00 WIT. A gun battle reportedly occurred midway between Faan Kahrio Village and Kamat Village, Aifat Middle East District, Maybrat Regency, West Papua.
Head of Information for the XVIII Kasuari Military Command, Colonel Arm Hendra Pesireron confirmed the incident.
"It's true, the shooting took place in the Middle East Aifat District, Maybrat," he said via his cellphone.
He explained that the firefight started when members of Yonzipur 20/PPA were about to carry out repairs to the serpas bridge from Faan Kahrio Village to the bridge location.
"At that time, members of the group got fire contact from the separatist group," he explained.
Hendra said at 14:15 WIT, the victim was evacuated by helicopter to the Sorong City Hospital.
The following is the identity of the victim:
1. Serda Miskel (The right side of the stomach was shot and died).
2. Serda Darusman (1 gunshot wound to the left arm).
3. Prada Aziz (1 gunshot wound, right hand).
4. Prada Abraham (3 gunshot wounds, right thigh, right shoulder and left arm).
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