Komnas HAM Discusses the Initiation of Peaceful Dialogue in Papua with the Special Envoy of the European Union

The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission delegation met with the European Union's Special Envoy for Human Rights Eamon Gilmore and the Deputy Director for the Global Agenda and European Union Multilateral Relations Christina Kokkinakis at the European Union Foreign Service Office, Brussels, Belgium.

This meeting is a continuation of a series of visits by the Komnas HAM delegation to Europe.

The delegation was led by Komnas HAM Chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik, and commissioners Beka Ulung Hapsara and Mochamad Choirul Anam participated.
"At the meeting the two institutions discussed the situation for the promotion and enforcement of human rights in Indonesia, including the Papuan peace dialogue initiative initiated by Komnas HAM," said Taufan in an official statement received by Kompas.com, Saturday (18/6/2022) night.

Komnas HAM conveyed various basic developments of the human rights situation in Indonesia, including the resolution of several cases that were of public concern and challenges that were being faced.

"In particular, the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission conveyed the steps that have been taken and the work plan for the Papua peace dialogue that will be carried out," added Taufan.

He claimed, Eamon Gilmore appreciated the steps taken by Komnas HAM regarding the peaceful dialogue initiative and the positive development of human rights in Indonesia.

The European Union is said to respect Indonesia's sovereignty and territorial integrity in principle.
"The peaceful settlement of Papua is the best way in the context of human rights," said Taufan.

"Eamon Gilmore as a representative of the European Union is committed to supporting the steps that will be taken by Komnas HAM," he admitted.

Taufan promised that Komnas HAM would continue to work intensively so that support for existing initiatives could be expanded, so that a peaceful dialogue could soon be realized.

SOURCE: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2022/06/19/06404251/komnas-ham-bahas-inisiasi-dialog-peace-papua-dengan-utusan-special-uni-eropa

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