Papuan Young Generation Satisfied with President Jokowi's Leadership
According to the survey, the Papuan Young Generation is satisfied with President Jokowi's leadership. The high level of satisfaction of the Papuan Young Generation is a form of appreciation for the trust given by the Papuan people to the Central Government in an effort to develop Papua.
The survey was conducted by Research and Development of Kompas in the provinces of Papua and West Papua on young people aged 20-39 years in early March 2022. The survey results explain that more than 63% of young respondents are very satisfied with the performance of the Central Government under the leadership of President Jokowi.
Chairman of the Indonesian Student and Millennial Alliance (AMMI), Nurkhasanah, acknowledged the satisfaction level of President Jokowi's performance. This is because during the two periods of his leadership, President Jokowi succeeded in putting forward the Nawacita program.
The Nawacita program is the nine national development priorities in the Jokowi presidency era. Nawacita comes from Sanskrit where nawa means nine, and cita which means hopes, desires, and dreams. Nawacita are nine hopes, as well as hopes from President Jokowi for the welfare of the Indonesian people.
In the third point of Nawacita it is explained that the priority of President Jokowi's Government is to develop Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Nurkhasanah said that since the beginning of leading Indonesia, President Jokowi was keen to use an efficacious recipe for development that does not only increase growth but also spreads equity. President Jokowi is aware that the development method that focuses on the trickle down effect, namely with development centered in urban areas, has failed. Joint Prosperity will be more optimally achieved by building from the outskirts of the region.
Nurkhasanah added that building from the region in a broad sense does not only mean territoriality, but also a matter of developing human resources that have been marginalized so far.
The majority of young people in Papua and West Papua consider the government's performance to be very good. From the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey, it is known that the government's work in the socio-cultural field is the most appreciated by the younger generation in Papua, with a satisfaction level of 78%. About 73% of respondents regard freedom of organization as positive, while guaranteeing the right to education for Papuans is appreciated by 64.5% of respondents.
In the health sector, satisfaction reached 64.3%. In the field of law enforcement 47.1% of respondents said they were very satisfied with the central government, and 51.2% of the local government. Furthermore, in the economic sector, 48.8% of respondents stated that they were very satisfied and satisfied with the central government, and 51.1% were satisfied with the local government.
This survey from Litbang Kompas has a 95% confidence level, with a margin of error of 4.9%. Deputy V Presidential Chief of Staff Jaleswari Pramodhawardani said that the results of this survey confirmed that there was appreciation for the choice of development strategies carried out by President Jokowi. Jaleswari added that President Jokowi is considered to be very concerned about the perspective of young people when issuing policies related to the development of community welfare in Papua and West Papua.
The satisfaction of the young generation in Papua with the performance of President Jokowi's government is a valuable appreciation for the government to continue to do its work to develop Papua. A prosperous, just and prosperous Papua is our common hope and dream, in order to welcome Indonesia Forward 2045.
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