Supporting the Expansion of Papua, AMMY Jogja Holds Action at the Jogja DPRD's Courtyard
As a form of support for the plan for the expansion of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in the Papua region, dozens of masses who are members of the Yogyakarta Melanesian Student Alliance (AMMY) held an action at the Jogja City DPRD Office.
In this action, they expressed several attitudes. Among others are:
1. support the plan for the expansion of new autonomous regions in Papua
2. support special autonomy (otsus) for the welfare of the Papuan people
3. support the continuation of the three Draft Laws for the Expansion of the Land of Papua
4. support the continuation of the plan for the expansion of provinces in Papua, Southwest Papua, Central Papua and South Papua
5. Support the construction of Mako Polres and Kodim in Dogiyai Regency for the sake of public safety
6. support the continuation of the development plan for the Space Airport in Biak
7. reject the request for the Right of Self-Determination/Referendum by interest groups
8. support the declaration of leaders and people from various backgrounds in West Papua which confirms the unanimity of the attitude of the West Papuan people who want expansion in the form of new autonomous regions and special autonomy.
The coordinator of the action, Paulus Palesamon, said that AMMY consisted of students from Papua, West Papua, NTT, Maluku and North Maluku who agreed with community leaders, religious leaders and the Papuan community.
"AMMY has a vision to succeed and support Otsus and new autonomous regions in Papua for the welfare of the people," he said.
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