The Regency Government Sends 5 Asmat Children to Participate in the Selection for the Faculty of Medicine at Unpad Bandung

The Asmat Regency Government sent five students to Bandung, West Java to take part in the selection to enter the medical faculty at Padjadjaran University (Unpad).

Five Asmat children who were directly escorted by the Head of the Welfare Division, Aloysius Pasauran and his staff held a meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University Bandung (Unpad). Dr. Yudi Mulyana Hidayat, dr., SpOG(K) and Vice Dean 1 of the Faculty of Medicine Unpad Bandung Herry Herman, dr. SPOT., Ph.D, Monday (20/6/2022).
"Today, OAP children from Asmat met and heard directions from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Unpad Bandung and other staff members," said the Head of the Welfare Section of the Asmat Regional Secretariat when contacted via WhatsApp, Monday.
The Head of the Welfare Division said that the five Asmat children who had been escorted to Unpad Bandung were intended to take the medical faculty entrance examination.

"The children's schedule for taking the medical entrance examination at Unpad Bandung is on July 7, 2022," explained the Head of the Division.

Previously they would also take part in tutoring (Bimbel) held by the Faculty of Medicine, Unpad Bandung.
He also said that the Asmat Regency Government had collaborated with Padjadjaran University, Bandung and other universities.

"Hopefully this collaboration, hopefully our children who aspire to go to college can be directed to continue their studies at Unpad Bandung," hoped the Head of the Welfare Division.
He continued, the Asmat Regency Government led by Asmat Regent Elisa Kambu and Asmat Deputy Regent Thomas E Safanpo fully supported the improvement of human resources (HR) for indigenous Papuan (OAP) and Asmat children in Asmat Regency, one of which was through educational financing programs for Asmat children and OAP in general. .

"My hope is that with the cooperation of the Asmat Regency Government with local universities, it is hoped that these Asmat children will be serious in taking their education to completion on time," he concluded.


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