KKB Chronology Kills 3 Ojek Drivers in the Bintang Mountains of Papua Mountains

The armed criminal group (KKB) shot dead three motorcycle taxi drivers in Gunung Bintang District, Papua Mountains. The number of KKB members who carried out the attack was 13 people.

"3 victims of murder," said the Chief of the Gunung Bintang Police AKBP Cahyo Sukarnito to detikcom, Tuesday (6/12/2022).

The KKB attack occurred in Mangabib Village, Oksebang District, Gunung Bintang, Monday (5/12). The three motorcycle taxi drivers killed by KKB were La Usu (25), Amanzani (42) and La Ati.
Cahyo said that apart from the three motorcycle taxi drivers who died, there were also three other motorcycle taxi drivers who survived. They are Risal (26), La Rono (30), and Albi Jalil (35).

"The witness (a motorcycle taxi driver named Risal) explained that at around 2:00 p.m. WIT the witness and fellow motorcycle taxi drivers saw around 13 people from the end of Jalan Kali Okse going to where the witness and fellow motorcycle taxi drivers were waiting for passengers," said Cahyo.
Initially, the motorcycle taxi drivers did not know that the 13 people were members of the KKB. Witness Risal then offered motorcycle taxi services to the perpetrators.

"Then the witness offered motorcycle taxi services to the 13 people but there was no response," said Cahyo.

Instead, the 13 members of the KKB began asking the motorcycle taxi drivers to collect their motorbike keys. The motorcycle taxi drivers then turned around not responding to the perpetrators' requests.

"Suddenly the unknown person took out a short-barreled gun at gunpoint," he said.
Seeing the apparition, three motorcycle taxi drivers immediately saved themselves by jumping into a ravine then ran towards the river and swam. The motorcycle taxi drivers continued on foot across the mountainside and secured themselves in Mangabib Village.

"Then the witness added that the witness did not directly see the murder of the two co-witnesses who were killed," he said.

It is known that a joint TNI-Polri team has now evacuated the three victims who died, Tuesday (6/12). Three motorbike taxi drivers have also been evacuated from Kampung Mangabib.

SOURCE : https://www.detik.com/sulsel/ Hukum-dan-kriminal/d-6446525/kronologi-kkb-kill-3-tukang-ojek-di-pegunungan- bintang-papua-pegunungan

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